Monday, November 17, 2008

#7 Holiday!

My holiday is the Anti-Valentine day. It's for all the people who like to be dark and wear the red and black clothes. I think it's wrong that we should have them suffer happiness without reciprocation. So, I'll permit them to talk about their poems, failed relationships, parents, siblings, futility of existence, and shit-music. 

Every normal person will dress up in the skeleton outfit things just to fit in and gain an appreciation (strictly in the 'experience' sense) for all the emos/scene/what have you/emotional flavor-of-the-day term. 

The colors are red and black (surprise!). To get in the Anti-Valentine sort of spirt (or lack thereof) one must think about the meaning of Valentines day and write down their thoughts. Then you must cry (tears or blood) on the paper. Then you can show the stained paper to all your friends on the Anti-Valentine day. Then you can listen to bad bands like Within Temptation, My Chemical Romance, Scary Kids Scaring Kids, Escape the Fate, Senses Fail, Underoath (guilt by association). 

All non-emo music will be banned. This is to ensure the participants' safety. It's a well known fact that Lamb of God, Metallica, Tool, Rage Against the Machine, Amon Amarth, Job For a Cowboy, and other metal bands will melt emo germs. 

After the poetry has been recited and the last tears shed, all -- well, most -- of us can go back to being normal and not-emo. 

This holiday has been imagined because I bear animosity towards the poorly articulated emotions, tight jeans on guys, hair straighteners, highlights, hating ones parents, and contempt for being upper-middle class. Problems are opportunities and, often times, deserved. Go fix 'em. Don't wallow in a dark room and theorize about a inherently false prognosis on the human condition. 

Monday, November 10, 2008

#6 Important Law

My law would bring back gladiator combat. It would let consenting prisoners battle each other and the winner gets to leave prison and is places on parole. I envision a pay-per-view sort of system. Each prisoner-battle is a melee of 20 prisoners. The winner (the last person alive) gets their almost-freedom. The PPV revenues would be used to cover the costs of the event and the surplus would be redirected back the prison system. This law is good because it reduces the problem of prison overcrowding, by eliminating up to 19 inmates per match. This law encourages criminals to not crime again; if you put your life on the line for something (freedom), you aren't going to squander it. This law also helps prisoners reintegrate into society. A major problem for the released is finding unemployment after release. If the fights were to become popular, the winners would become famous, they might earn endorsement deals. An endorsement deal would give them enough income to not have to commit crimes to subside. This law is made of the people (who aren't the democratic-"this interferes with criminals' rights-"America-haters ), by the people (who like kick-ass things), for the people (well, prisoners: not exactly people. Oh! And not-prisoners' potential entertainment).